Curriculum Vitae
Books in English
Edited books
Books in Danish
WMY 2000 RPAMath
- "Forelæsninger over Differentialgeometri og Differentialtopologi,"
University of Aarhus, 1968. (Copy of original Lecture Notes)
- "Grundbegreber i den Moderne Analyse,"
Technical University of Denmark, 1986. 4th ed. (minor changes) 1995.
- "Den geometriske dimension - Fra iagttagelse til forskning,"
Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck A/S, 1989.
- "Temaer fra Geometrien," Matematiklærerforeningen, 1992.
- (with P.W. Karlsson) "Matematisk Analyse 2," (Functions of Several Real Variables)
Technical University of Denmark, 1993. 4th ed. (revised) 1998.
- (with P.G. Hjorth and U. Timm)
"Matematik og Modellering med Matematik,"
Gyldendal Uddannelse, 2000.
- "Matematikkens Uendelige Univers,"
Den Private Ingeniørfond, 2002.
- Book for a course taught in Danish:
"Mathematics 3: Entrance to Advanced Mathematics
- The metric foundations of modern analysis,"
Technical University of Denmark, 2008.