• Praveen Gauravaram, William Millan, Ed Dawson and Kapali Viswanathan: Constructing secure hash functions by enhancing Merkle-Damg{\aa}rd construction. .The paper was accepted at Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP) 2006. [ps | pdf]

  • Praveen Gauravaram, William Millan, Ed Dawson, Matt Henricksen, Juanma Gonz´alez Nieto and Kapali Viswanathan. Constructing Secure Hash Functions by Enhancing Merkle-Damg°ard Construction (full version). Technical Report QUT-ISI-TR-2006-013, Information Security Institute (ISI), Queensland University of Technology (QUT), July 2006. This technical report is available at http://www.isi.qut.edu.au/research/ publications/technical/qut-isi-tr-2006-013.pdf.

  • Praveen Gauravaram, Adrian McCullagh, and Ed Dawson. Collision Attacks on MD5 and SHA-1: Is this the “Sword of Damocles” for Electronic Commerce? In Andrew Clark and Mark McPherson and George Mohay, editor, AusCERT Asia Pacific Information Technology Security Conference Refereed R & D Stream, pages 1–13, May 2006. [ ps | pdf]

  • Praveen Gauravaram, Shoichi Hirose and Suganya Annadurai: An Update on the analysis and design of NMAC and HMAC functions. The paper was accepted by the International Journal of Network Security and to be published in 2008. [ps | pdf]

  • John Kelsey and Praveen Gauravaram. Linear Checksums to Damg{\aa}rd-Merkle Hash Functions Don't Block Generic Attacks. Presented at Crypto'06 Rump Session. The paper will be released soon.

  • Praveen Gauravaram, Adrian McCullagh and Ed Dawson: The legal and practical implications of attacks on 128-bit cryptographic hash functions. First Monday Journal, Volume 11, Number 1-2, January 2006. See here for the paper.

  • Electronic Contract Administration-Legal and Security Issues (Literature Review). Project Report No. 2005-025-A. See here for this report.
  • Praveen Gauravaram, William Millan: Improved Attack on the Cellular Authentication and Voice Encryption Algorithm (CAVE). International Workshop on Cryptographic Algorithms and their Uses, 2004, pages 1-13. [ ps | pdf]

  • Praveen Gauravaram, William Millan, Lauren May: CRUSH: A New Cryptographic Hash Function using Iterated Halving Technique. International Workshop on Cryptographic Algorithms and their Uses, 2004, pages 28-39.

  • William Millan, Praveen Gauravaram: Cryptanalysis of the cellular authentication and voice encryption algorithm. IEICE Electronic Express 1(15), 2004, pages 453-459 [ ps | pdf]