3rd ENOC ProceedingsIndex

Nonlinear structural vibrations control

Florian Dignath and Werner Schiehlen

Institute B of Mechanics
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 9
70550 Stuttgart


An approach for damping structural vibrations using optimization techniques is presented. There are three different concepts of optimization: local optimization of structural or control parameters, respectively, and global optimization including all parameters of the controlled structure. The formulation of the optimization problem for multibody systems is presented and algorithms for its solution are briefly described. As an engineering application a tethered satellite system is investigated applying the local controller optimization only. Spacecrafts and orbiting sys- tems are subject to structural vibrations. Moreover, tethered satellite systems show large displacements and require active or passive damping mechanisms, respectively. In this paper a tethered satellite system is modelled by the method of multibody systems using symbolic equations of motion undergoing large displacements. Active damping is provided by an actuator between the main body and the tether. As performance criteria the energy decay and the displacement of the main body are applied. First results obtained by Dignath are extended to a nonlinear analysis. Then, a simple elastic pendulum serves as a benchmark for comparison of global and local optimization, i.e. structural or controller optimization, respectively. This benchmark shows clearly the advantages of the global optimization which will also be transferred to the tethered satellite system.




Contact information

Florian Dignath and Werner Schiehlen

Institute B of Mechanics
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 9
70550 Stuttgart

e-mail: fd@mechb.uni-stuttgart.de
Telephone: +49 711 685-6414
Fax: +49 711 685-6400
WWW-addres: http://www.mechb.uni-stuttgart.de/Leute/Dignath/

3rd ENOC ProceedingsIndex