How to arrive at the Sea Mining Station

Local transportation to Søminestationen in Dragerup Skov near Holbæk

We warn against taking a taxi from the airport to the seamining station, it will be very expensive. It could easily cost 130 euros.

For the most direct connection to Holbæk from the airport CPH Kastrup. Take a train at the “underground” train station (located at the rear of the arrival hall) to København H, which is the Main/Central railway station. There is a train approximately every 10 min. during the day. At København H (in short Kbh H) take a westbound train to Holbæk. These trains have destination either Holbæk or Kalundborg and a usually leave from Track (Spor) 7 and 8. (Occasionally they may be deferred to Tracks 5 or 6, in which case the change is normally announced over the speakers.) There are 4 trains pr hour in the afternoon with the trains leaving xx:04 and xx:34 being 10 min faster than those at xx:14 and xx:44. At Holbæk station you should proceed by taxi.

The address is:

Dragerup Skovvej 10
4300 Holbæk

Carsten will arrive at Søminestationen at approximately 18.00. Do NOT plan to be there before unless the weather is nice. You will not be able to enter before I arrive.

If you want to do some sightseeing in Copenhagen before going to Holbæk, you may alternatively take the Metro at the airport (one flight of stairs up) at the rear of the airport. I suggest getting off at Nørreport station or at Kongens Nytorv. In either case you can walk to København H. However at Kongens Nytorv you can also take the Metro Line M3 to København H and at Nørreport station have trains to Kbh H, in particular the two slower trains to Holbæk can be joined there.

If you want to find other connections beforehand you may consult after deciding on cookies you may choose an English (or German) version in the upper righthand corner.

Map of the north western part of Zealand, Denmark. Drawn by Caspar Wessel in 1771, under the direction of the Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters. The full resolution scan, and the source of the above image, can be obtained from