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Finite posets and Ferrers shapes Advances in Mathematics Sergey Fomin The inverse of a non-singular free matrix Linear Algebra and its Applications Some operations on the family of equivalence relations Algebraic Combinatorics and Computer Science. A Tribute to Gian-Carlo Rota Springer-Verlag MacWilliams identities and matroid polynomials The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Mathematical proof of the consistency of Feldberg's simple BDF start in electrochemical digital simulation Mathematical proof of the consistency of Feldberg's simple BDF start in electrochemical digital simulation The Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Dieter Britz Matrix inversion and digraphs: the one factor case Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra Dale Olesky Pauline van den Driessche The Moore–Penrose inverse of matrices with an acyclic bipartite graph Linear Algebra and Its Applications Dale Olesky Pauline van den Driessche Minimal spectrally arbitrary sign patterns SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Application Judith McDonald Dale Olesky Pauline van den Driessche Schur complements of matrices with acyclic bipartite graphs Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra Dale Olesky Pauline van den Driessche Extensions of the Critical Theorem Covering radii are not matroid invariants Higher support matroids A MacWilliams type identity for matroids On free matrices