SHA-0 collision finder

This C program is an implementation of the collision attack on SHA-0 of Xiaoyun Wang et al.
Warning: It may take weeks to find a collision on a standard PC.
The meaning of the characters that are printed on the screen while the program is running is the following. Interpret each character as a hexadecimal digit (x). On the average, when x has been printed 2x times, you should expect a collision. E.g., you should expect to see 212 c's before a collision is found.

You are free to modify and distribute the source code. All comments are welcome at crypto<at>znoren·dk. Please note that the program only produces correct results on 32-bit little-endian systems.

A sample collision of SHA-0

This message and this message collide in SHA-0. Their common SHA-0 hash is 641b197e8c06201de3aef9cf23218e610bc7d710.
(This collision was found in about 5 hours on a 2GHz notebook using the seed 1137080725, compiled with gcc-4.0 in Linux. Most collisions will take considerably longer to find.)

Copyleft 2006 Søren Steffen Thomsen