I am a post-doctoral research fellow in the Department of Mathematics
(MAT) at Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Here are my contact details.
I have completed my PhD in the area of hash functions in the Information Security Institute
(ISI) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia in June 2007.
The title of my PhD thesis is "Cryptographic Hash Functions: Cryptanalysis, Design and Applications".
Some of the many facets of Information Security that I am interested in are:
- Applications of Cryptology
- Analysis and Design of Block and Stream Ciphers
- Formal Analysis and Design of Cryptographic Protocols
- Side-Channel Cryptanalysis
- Public Key Cryptography
- Mobile Systems Security
- Legal Issues in Information Security
My recent publications.
My previous publications.
Research Grants
So far, I have secured the following grants.
- Formal analysis of cryptographic hash functions and Analysis of SHA-3 hash function from
The Danish Council of Independent Research: Natural Sciences (FNU) and Technology and Production Sciences (FTP) for an mount of DKK 1.6 Million for the period August, 2009 - July, 2011.
- SHA-3 hash function from
The Danish Council of Independent Research (Technology and Production Sciences) for an amount of DKK 770,000.00 for the period August, 2008 - July, 2009.
Professional activities
Program Committee member of ECRYPT Workshop on Cryptographic Hash Functions (2007)
Program Committee member of The First International EDM Workshop (2006)
External Reviewer for Eurocrypt 2010, FSE 2010, Asiacrypt 2009, Eurocrypt 2008, Crypto 2008, Design, Codes and Cryptography Journal.
Some useful links in Cryptology: particularly in hash functions and MACs
NIST's Cryptographic Hash Project
Bart Preneel's PhD Thesis: Analysis and Design of Hash Functions
Joan Daemen's PhD Thesis: Cipher and Hash Function Design, Strategies based on linear and differential cryptanalysis
Helger Lipmaa's Cryptology pointers
Useful links for researchers in any discipline
A good reference on the PhD Journey is given by Prof. Mihir Bellare. It is a good source of valuable information for both students and supervisors.