Optimization methods in Cryptanalysis

This project is supported by the Danish Council for Independent Research, Technology and Production and carried out at DTU mathematics.

Project description

The aim of the project is to develop new techniques that can be applied to assess the security of cryptographic algorithms. We want to use tools from combinatorial and integer optimization to break symmetric encryption schemes by nding an optimal solution from a related optimization problem. The two main parts of the project are the formulation of the optimization problem and the application of an appropriate optimization method. In particular, we focus on the derivation of Boolean equation systems from a cipher, the transformation of these systems into integer programming problems and combinatorial optimization problems as well as the adaptation of hill climbing algorithms by de ning an appropriate neighborhood function.

Theoretical foundation

Many cryptosystems can be described as systems of multivariate polynomial equations over the binary field GF(2). The characteristic feature of those equations is their relative sparsity, each equation contains only a few variables and a few terms. Additionally, each variable is only contained in a limited number of equations. This implies that a change in a value of one variable affects only a small number of equations, meaning that the variables have a high locality. We will mainly consider lightweight encryption schemes such as stream ciphers and lightweight block cipher. These encryption schemes usually generate equation systems which still have a reasonable size, i.e a couple of thousand variables. Integer optimization is a well studied eld and the development of solvers progresses very fast. Furthermore, integer programming has already been employed to tackle difficult discrete problems such as the well-known traveling salesman problem. The traveling salesman problem shows the potential of integer optimization in solving difficult discrete problems as well as the importance of finding a good formulation of the problem. For a good formulation the traveling salesman problem is solvable for a couple of thousand cities while it is not solvable for even very few cities using a di erent formulation. Most neighborhood search algorithms used in combinatorial optimization are sensitive to changes in the cost function. It is more likely that an algorithms will be successful in finding a global minimum when the cost function does not have big jumps. When we consider systems with a large variable locality, we expect that the objective function behaves rather 'smooth'.

Research directions
