Every name has to mean something, so what is the story of rauto? Well, performing computations with AUTO is not exactly easy. It is, to pick a random example, more complicated than removing all your files with `rm -rf ${HOME}'. For every computation one has to edit or create a so-called constants file and AUTO itself is executed with a number of (rather obscure?) @-commands, which the author found almost impossible to remember when to use in what form.
The basic idea behind rauto is to hide all this nastiness. It combines a number of tasks into a single invocation of the command rauto and stores the data of your computations in an organized manner. It comes with a number of powerful tools for post-processing your data. It makes using AUTO as easy as removing all your files. But I'm digressing. The name rauto does make some sense, in particular, if you are familiar with some subtleties of the German language. It can be read as `Run AUTO!' (as in `Run Forest, run!')