Solphys '97 ProceedingsIndex

The stability of solitary wave solutions to a modified Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation

Susan Munro and John Parkes

Department of Mathematics, University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow G1 1XH, U.K.


The Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation governs the behaviour of weakly nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a plasma comprising cold ions and hot isothermal electrons in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. We consider the more realistic situation in which the electrons are non-isothermal. With an appropriate modified form of the electron number density proposed by Schamel (1973), we show that the reductive perturbation procedure leads to a modified Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation. In suitable non-dimensionalised variables and with a convenient scaling the equation is

16ut + 30u1/2ux + nabla2ux = 0,

where the magnetic field is in the x-direction. A possible solution to the equation is the plane solitary wave tex2html_wrap_inline10 that propagates along the magnetic field. We show that this solution is unstable to small transverse sinusoidal perturbations of wavenumber k such that 0<k<3. Following the method of Allen & Rowlands (1993) we use a multiple scale perturbation method to determine consistent expansions for the growth rate tex2html_wrap_inline16 about k=0 and k=3 respectively. By considering a two-point Padé approximant, we obtain an analytical expression for tex2html_wrap_inline16 valid for tex2html_wrap_inline24 . We also calculate tex2html_wrap_inline16 numerically. The Padé approximant is in very good agreement with the numerical result.


Contact information

Susan Munro and John Parkes

Department of Mathematics, University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow G1 1XH, U.K.
E-mail: and
Phone: +44 (0) 141 552 4400
Fax: +44 (0) 141 552 8657

Solphys '97 ProceedingsIndex