Solphys '97 ProceedingsIndex

Diffusion effects in a nonlinear electrical lattice and applications to signal processing

P. Marquié, S. Binczak, J. C. Comte and J. M. Bilbault

Laboratoire d'Electronique, Informatique et Image (LE2I),
Université de Bourgogne - Aile des Sciences de l'Ingénieur,
BP 400, 21011 Dijon cedex, France


We consider a nonlinear electrical network modeling the generalized Nagumo equation. Focusing on the particular case where the initial load of the lattice consists in the superimposition of a coherent information weakly varying in space and a perturbation of a small amplitude, we show that the perturbation can be eliminated quickly, almost without disturbing the information.


Contact information

P. Marquié, S. Binczak, J. C. Comte and J. M. Bilbault

Laboratoire d'Electronique, Informatique et Image (LE2I),
Université de Bourgogne - Aile des Sciences de l'Ingénieur,
BP 400, 21011 Dijon cedex, France
Fax: +33 (0) 380 395 910

Solphys '97 ProceedingsIndex