3rd ENOC
Proceedings, title |
Third European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference
3rd ENOC
3rd ENOC
Proceedings, preface |
This World Wide Web (WWW) volume contains the proceedings of the conference
EUROMECH, Third European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference (3rd ENOC),
which took place August 8-12, 1999, at the MIDIT centre, Technical University
of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark. With these proceedings, we wish to
establish a tradition of publishing conference papers in electronic form.
The European Mechanics Council has organized more than 300 Euromech Colloquia
on specialized topics in mechanics. It has established also the Nonlinear
Oscillations Conference Committee (ENOCC) to organize a new initiative in
the form of a series of Euromech Conferences on Nonlinear Oscillations. The
conferences are intended to bring together scientists working in different
fields of dynamics, to exchange ideas and discuss current research trends and
developments with emphasis on the interdisciplinary character of nonlinear
oscillations. In this respect the 3rd ENOC continues the tradition of the
twelve International Conferences on Nonlinear Oscillations (ICNO's) and the
two previous ENOCs held in Hamburg 1993, and Prague 1996.
The topics of qualitative analysis of dynamical systems, bifurcation
theory, and global analysis have gained much interest among mathematicians
and are very important for the understanding of the phenomena observed in
nonlinear systems. But just applications show that many basic problems still
have to be solved. The aim of the 3rd ENOC is to discuss the new mathematical
developments in the theory of nonlinear oscillations and their application
in technology and scientific disciplines like mechanics, physics, chemistry,
electrodynamics, and biology. The current contributions from the various fields will
underline the interdisciplinary, synergetic character of nonlinear dynamics.
The 3rd ENOC proceedings are available in postscript and pdf formats.
The postscript files are compressed using gzip. You can download the
individual postscript papers and expand them by using the command gunzip
'filename'. In case of problems with reading the proceedings,
please contact Mads Peter Sørensen on e-mail address mps@imm.dtu.dk.
The scientific committee had the following members: S.R. Bishop, F. Chernousko,
J. Engelbrecht, E. Kreuzer, F. Peterka, F. Pfeiffer, G. Rega, J.P. Pascal,
C. Sobczyk and H. Troger.
The local scientific committee consisted of H. True (chairman), M. Brøns,
S.B. Jørgensen, M.P. Sørensen and J.J. Thomsen.
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from
- Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik's Foundation
- The Danish Research Agency
- Thomas B. Thrige's Foundation
- The City of Copenhagen
- The Danish Mathematical Society
- The Technical University of Denmark
- MIDIT, The Centre for Modelling, Nonlinear Dynamics and
Irreversible Thermodynamics
- SAS, Scandinavian Airlines System
Special thanks goes to Hanne M. Jensen for her indispensable secretarial
assistance. We also thank Dorthe Thøgersen, Bonnie True,
Sumiku Knudsen and Lene Majbritt Christensen for
their help in organizing 3rd ENOC. WWW design by Torben Winther Graversen.
Last but not least we thank HRH Princess Alexandra of Denmark for being the
protector of this conference.
Hans True and Mads Peter Sørensen
February 1, 2000.
3rd ENOC
Proceedings, Index |
Index of Proceedings from the 3rd ENOC Conference
solitary waves in media with quadratic and cubic nonlinearity
Alexander Boichuk
Nonlinear forced response of nonuniform beam with rectangular cross-section and
parabolic thickness variation
Dumitru I. Caruntu
Bushes of normal modes for nonlinear mechanical systems with discrete
G.M. Chechin, V.P. Sakhnenko, M.Yu. Zekhtser,
H.T. Stokes, S. Carter, and D.M. Hatch
Nonlinear structural vibrations control
Florian Dignath and Werner Schiehlen
Nonlinear dynamics in crane ship motion
Katrin Ellermann and Edwin Kreuzer
Generalized normal solution of degenerated system of equations/inequalities
V.K. Gorbunov
Rheonomic coordinate method applied to nonlinear vibration systems
with hereditary elements
Katica Stevanovic Hedrih
Vectorial method, mass moments vectors and rotator vectors in nonlinear
heavy gyrorotor dynamics
Katica Stevanovic Hedrih
Nonlinear oscillations in a time-optimal feedback system
Wladyslaw Hejmo
Backlash in balancing systems using
approximate spring characteristics
L.E. Kollar, G. Stepan, and S.J. Hogan
Vibration impact processes in systems with viscous-elastic limiters
Grigory Panovko and Leonid Lukin
Bifurcation of coisotropic invariant tori of Hamiltonian
system under perturbations of symplectic structure
Ihor Parasyuk
Dynamical joints influence of sandwich plates
Francesco Petrone, Francesca Garescì, Michele Lacagnina and Rosario Sinatra
The reduction method in the theory of Lie-algebraically integrable
oscillatory Hamiltonian systems
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
Interaction of two strong nonlinearities
Ladislav Pust and Ondrej Szöllös
On the boundary problem for a linear impulse system of the second
order and the Green function of this linear impulse system
Tatyana Shovkoplyas
On stability of viscoelastic elements of thin-shelled
constructions under aerohydrodynamic action
Petr A. Velmisov and Andrey V. Ankilov
3rd ENOC
Proceedings, Index |