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Matcin Bownik and Jakob Lemvig (2012) Oversampling of wavelet frames for real dilations. Jour. London Math. Soc., 85:765–788. Journal version Preprint version

Bibtex entry

@ARTICLE { Bownik12Oversampling,
    AUTHOR = { Matcin Bownik and Jakob Lemvig },
    TITLE = { Oversampling of wavelet frames for real dilations },
    JOURNAL = { Jour. London Math. Soc. },
    YEAR = { 2012 },
    VOLUME = { 85 },
    PAGES = { 765--788 },
    MRCLASS = { 42C40 (42C15) },
    DOI = { 10.1112/jlms/jdr067 },
    URL = { },
    PDF = { /lemvig_7.pdf },
    TAG = { journal },