DTU Discrete Differential Geometry Miniworkshop 16 July 2009

Theme of the Miniworkshop

Discrete differential geometry has grown in importance in recent years. One reason is the need to discretize, for computational purposes, problems in continuous geometry, and this leads to a wealth of interesting approaches and mathematical questions. Another reason is that advances in construction methods have led to the desire among architects and engineers to design structures of a more interesting geometrical nature, which, due to constraints imposed by the materials and methods, are often modeled by discrete surfaces in 3-space. This also leads directly to the desire to define discrete analogues for the many known and attractive differentiable surfaces which are often molded by natural geometric or physical principles.

This miniworkshop is intended to explore these themes. The workshop is intended to be accessible both to mathematicians and also to engineers or applied mathematicians whose line of work can lead to discrete differential geometry.

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